161 Mystic Valley Parkway
Winchester, MA 01890
LSPA Committee Descriptions
Communications/Weekly Newsletter/Email Blasts: Editors organize material for the Lincletter, a weekly newsletter describing news and activities at Lincoln School. Work is ongoing throughout the year but can be completed from home. The Lincletter is sent electronically to families on Monday mornings. Email blasts are sent out as needed. Can be once or several times a week.
LSPA Website Management: Manage content on www.lincolnspa.net and make sure that it is accurate and up-to-date.
Fundraising/Direct Appeal: This committee plans, organizes, and implements all fundraising activities. Historically, the majority of the fundraising has come through the Direct Appeal, but we are planning to have a Fun Run this year to supplement. This committee is also responsible for managing the Paypal account, transferring funds to the bank, and working closely with the treasurer.
Enrichment: This committee works (through grade-level reps) with faculty to provide enrichment programs for all students. These programs are designed to enhance curriculum and include visiting scientists, artists, etc. The time commitment is throughout the year. The chairs represent Lincoln at Community Schools Association (CSA), an umbrella organization of all school enrichment activities.
Extended Learning Program: This committee works with teachers to put together and run optional after-school programs that are available to students. Responsibilities include working to post the description of these programs and help with student sign ups/enrollment.
Room Parent: Room parents support the teachers with class events/parties, manage class lists, take care of teacher gifts, etc.
Library Support: This committee is divided into groups, which help organize the many activities of the library including: recruiting and scheduling library volunteers, helping with book repairs and overdue lists, organizing the Book Fair, processing new books, shelf reading and inventory. The time commitment depends upon which sub-committee you choose to work on.
Mentor Program: This committee would manage the program from start to finish (finding mentors, making matches, checking in, and arranging for the sharing event at the end of the program). The Lincoln Elementary Mentor Program is a voluntary program that allows fourth and fifth grade students the opportunity to pursue a special interest or talent on an extracurricular basis by working with a mentor or expert from the local community. Typically, students and mentors meet 1-2 times during the February through April timeframe to talk about the topic. In May, the program concludes with a Mentor Sharing and Recognition Event where students will have an opportunity to present what they have learned through the program to other students and members of the Lincoln community. Students can plan their presentation with their mentors.
Building/Grounds: This committee works to improve the physical environment at Lincoln School. The time depends upon projects selected in cooperation with school administration. Traditionally there are two clean-ups each year (Fall & Spring) and a variety of improvements as needed.
Green Team: This committee works to make our school a greener environment. They work on various initiatives throughout the school year such as lunchroom recycling and composting.
Social Committee/Teacher Appreciation: This committee provides refreshments for various LSPA events and meetings, helps to organize parent social events, as well as the Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon in May. The committee works throughout the year.
Field Day: This committee works with the Physical Education staff to organize parent volunteers and communications for Field Day in June. It also coordinates lunch and snacks for Field Day.
Health Fair: This committee assists the Physical Education Teacher and School Nurse with preparations for an annual Wellness Program. Tasks may include recruiting parent volunteers, organizing a schedule of events for the day and facilitating parent communication.
5th Grade Committee: This committee organizes various 5th grade activities: GURO, pizza/bingo night, ice cream social, yearbook, Moving-On, etc. Two Co-chairs support the sub-committee chairs and manage finances. The time commitment depends upon the sub-committee selected.
Celebration of Learning/STEAM Night Committee: This committee works to run and put on our Celebration of Learning/STEAM night which is usually in the late winter/spring.
School Pictures: This committee works to schedule the picture day and organize photo sessions with each grade throughout that day. School pictures are usually taken in September/October.
Gifts Committee: This committee selects and purchases gifts for individuals (such as principal, librarian, and nurse) that the LSPA wishes to thank, as well as end of year gifts for all teachers and staff. The time commitment is sporadic throughout the year.
School Store: This committee works to run our school store. They get parent and student volunteers, order merchandise, and keep track of sales.